NPDG Journal
January 2025

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A great night of promoting “Yes” Votes on Amendment 4.

Most Floridian’s genuinely believe in and support Second Chances. Sure, there were a few exceptions or limitations and yes, very reasonable hesitations with many. However, once they familiarized themselves with what Amendment 4 is really all about, heard my personal story and really considered the pros and cons, all of the individuals I spoke with but one said they would vote “yes.” The one exception I met came from a man who, like me, stole a car when he was young, got probation and subsequently violated the probation by testing positive for smoking marijuana. Because of that felony conviction 30 years ago, the State of Florida denies him the right to vote.

Donna, my significant other, did have one individual who stated he’s in law enforcement and would never vote for anything that would benefit a convicted felon. Of course, on top of making his living off locking people up, he likely has huge investments in prisons for profits and would oppose any laws that could possibly reduce our extremely high rate of recidivism. Him and Rick Scott would likely get along great. Fortunately, he was the only exception —one out of the over 300 people we spoke with.

Thank you Desmond Meade and all of the awesome staff and supporters of the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition for making Amendment 4 possible.  It’s a great first step…